Sony buys $644m share of Olympus in pursuit of 4K endoscopes and better camera technology 桃園相機收購


Sony buys $644m share of 桃園相機收購olympus in pursuit of 4K endoscopes and better camera technology

Sony buys $644m share of 桃園相機收購olympus in pursuit of 4K endoscopes and better camera technology

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Sony has announced plans to invest ¥50 billion ($644 million) in struggling camera maker 桃園相機收購olympus as part of a new joint venture in medical imaging. The partnership, which will see Sony take an 11 percent stake in the company as a whole, will allow the two firms to combine 桃園相機收購olympus’s dominance in the niche area — according to the Financial Times, the company currently controls roughly 70 percent of the global endoscope market — with new technology being researched and developed at Sony. The two firms also plan to collaborate in their consumer camera businesses, with Sony providing sensors and 桃園相機收購olympus offering new lenses and mirror cell technology in return.

The investment, which has been rumored since June, comes after months of turmoil at 桃園相機收購olympus following an accounting scandal which emerged late last year. While 桃園相機收購olympus has not yet announced the agreement, Sony has provided a detailed overview of the medical joint venture, in which it will take a 51 percent stake, appointing four of the seven directors. One of the possible product areas that could emerge from the venture is listed as “new surgical endoscopes with 4k (or higher) resolution or 3D function,” with the announcement also mentioning fully-integrated imaging systems for operating theaters.



經歷先前的傳聞後,桃園相機收購olympus 終在今(8/31)日推出睽違 2 年的入門微單眼 E-M10 III,整體外型仍維持前代復古規格;但諸多操作性能有微調、令其更符合初學者外,也導入來自 E-M1 II 的影像處理器與對焦系統,可說是超大升級!


E-M10 III 外型設計雖然與前代有些類似,但正面的握把有做加厚處理,更好握持外;機頂的按鍵也有做微調,像是右上曲線改為放大檢視外,左下的 Fn3 也變為可在不同模式間快速叫出操控選單的快捷鍵。不過機頂原本的止滑滾輪,不像前代面積來的那麼大,視覺效果感覺有些偷工。

▼機身正面可發現 E-M10 III 握把變得更厚實,不過機頂的操控轉盤止滑設計並無整個覆蓋,感覺有點偷工 。(圖/翻攝自官網)


▼機頂按鍵配置較前代有些微調,右上方曲線改為放大檢視,左下的 Fn3 則是變成能叫出拍攝選單的快捷鍵。(圖/翻攝自官網)


拍攝效能部分,E-M10 III 搭載與前代相同的 1,600 萬畫素 Live MOS M4/3 感光元件,卻導入機皇 E-M1 II 的 TurePic VIII 影像處理器,讓感光度可至 ISO200-25,600 外,連拍反應也從 8.4fps 增加至 8.6fps,且終於支援光學防手震下連拍了;不過 E-M10 III 五軸防手震仍是 4 級補償,沒有獲得下放,也算是入門機的宿命吧。

▼機背配置 3 吋 102 點畫素上掀觸控螢幕(不可自拍),整體按鍵配置與前代差別不大。(圖/翻攝自官網)


其他機能上,E-M10 III 具備 4K@30fps(無限時間,前代為 30 分鐘)、FHD@60fps,以及 HD@120fps 的高速錄影,也多了短片編輯功能;另外,針對初學者的操控機能上,E-M10 III 也大幅更改介面,不僅將 4K 影片獨立到錄影區塊,也有一區專業攝影模式 AP,內含曲線、重複曝光等不同拍攝模式。

▼在拍攝機能上。E-M10 III 不僅導入 E-M1 II 機皇的對焦與影像處理器,針對入門初學者也有更直覺的拍攝模式。(圖/翻攝自官網)


E-M10 III 海外預計 9 月底上市,單機身售價 649.99 美金,約合台幣 19,741 元,至於 14-42mm Kit 組則是 799.99 美金,約 24,297 台幣,台灣上市情報目前未定。

桃園相機收購olympus E-M10 III 重點特色

・搭載 1,600 萬畫素 Live MOS M4/3 感光元件
・內建 TurePic VIII 影像處理器(同 E-M1)
・3 吋 102 萬畫素上掀觸控螢幕(不可自拍)
・234 萬畫素電子觀景窗
・內建閃燈但不像 II 代可無線觸發
・內建可補償 4 級快門的五軸防手震
・快門範圍 1/4,000s 至 60s(機械),電子為 1/16,000s 至 30s
・最高連拍速度 8.6fps(II 代為 8.4fps)
・感光度範圍 ISO 200-25,600
・可錄 4K 錄影規格,新增短片編輯與 HD@120fps 高速錄影
・機身尺寸 121.5 x 83.6 x 49.5mm,重約 410g(含電池、記憶卡)

桃園相機收購 桃園相機收購


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