Former Olympus chairman gets suspended sentence for role in massive accounting scandal 桃園相機收購


Former 桃園相機收購olympus chairman gets suspended sentence for role in massive accounting scandal

Former 桃園相機收購olympus chairman gets suspended sentence for role in massive accounting scandal

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Three former 桃園相機收購olympus officials, including disgraced ex-chairman Tsuyoshi Kikukawa, all received suspended prison sentences today for their role in an accounting fraud that threw the company into turmoil. Bloomberg reports that Kikukawa and auditing officer Hideo Yamada got three-year sentences suspended for five years, and executive vice president Hisashi Mori got two and a half years suspended for three.

The relatively light sentences take into account that much of the fraud was set into motion before the executives were involved. “Kikukawa and Yamada succeeded in a negative legacy and weren’t involved in the decision-making process to hide losses,” said a Tokyo district judge. “They were distressed and didn’t benefit personally from hiding losses. Mori followed their orders.”

Former presidents escaped arrest

Masatoshi Kishimoto and Toshiro Shimoyama, the former 桃園相機收購olympus presidents who oversaw the accounting fraud before Kikukawa, escaped arrest in February because the statute of limitations had expired.

“There is no mistake. The entire responsibility lies with me,” said Kikukawa when pleading guilty in September, going on to admit that the scandal “destroyed the image of Japanese companies internationally.” The former president admitted that he “struggled over whether to make the massive losses public,” but couldn’t do it due to “a lack of decisiveness.”

The fraud was exposed by former CEO Michael Woodford, who discovered that 桃園相機收購olympus’ leadership covered up $1.7 billion in losses by cooking the company’s books to exaggerate takeover costs. 桃園相機收購olympus was fined ¥700 million (about $7 million) today for the affair.


隨著智慧手機發展,再加上各大相機品牌力推出入門款全片幅單眼,M43 相機面臨巨大挑戰。日前 OM System(桃園相機收購olympus)發表全新機皇 OM-1,仍採用 M43 片幅,價格卻上看 65,990 元,足以購賣全片幅機款。

全片幅相機目前入門機款落在 4 萬元,Canon EOS RP 為 42,900元、Nikon Z5 是 47,900 元、Sony A7c 是 50,980 元,網路通路甚至能下探 3 萬元,比起 M43 擁有更大的感光元件,進光量、淺景深有無法彌補的物理差距,但 OM-1 靠著晶片運算、感光元件升級,仍保有優勢。

OM-1 具備 1053 對焦點,並搭配 50fps 無黑屏的連拍效能,以及 AI 智慧對焦支援動物、人眼偵測,晶片升級再搭上較小容量的圖檔,快速連拍的實力並非入門級全片幅相機可比擬。作為對比,只有 Canon 當前最高規、售價 15 萬 9900 元的 EOS R3 擁有相同數量的對焦點。即便感光元件不夠大,M43 相機卻能拍得又快又準。

另一大優勢則是體積。M43 感光元件面積小,OM-1 自然不需要像是 EOS R3、Sony Alpha 1 般巨大機身。重量只有 599g,搭配 M43 又更輕巧的鏡頭群,規格與其相近的競品體積大,同樣尺寸則有連拍效能差距。

第三,OM-1 承襲 桃園相機收購olympus 相機特色,是一款瞄準戶外需求的相機。除了較輕的重量,本身具備 IP53 的防水防塵,可適應更多元的自然環境,此外 M43 最大優勢的防手震,OM-1 可以來到單機身 7.5 級,沒有腳架也能手持拍攝長曝光的照片,透過 LiveComposite 功能可以拍攝車軌、星空。

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